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Dehumidifier Large

Dehumidifier Large

ย  ย  Evaporation (Wikipedia)

  • On average, only a fraction of the molecules in a liquid have enough heat energy to escape from the liquid. The evaporation will continue until an equilibrium is reached when the evaporation of the liquid is equal to its condensation. In an enclosed environment, a liquid will evaporate until the surrounding air is saturated.
  • You therefore need enough heat to force the water in to a gas state (evaporate) and then you need to remove this evaporate.
  • A space heater will provide heat energy (on a cold day) to to force liquid water into a gaseous state to saturated the air, andย the Dehumidifier removes the evaporate when the air is saturated



  • Make sure that the machine is always level.
  • Empty the water recovery tank when it is half full for best results.
  • Always keep the machine upright.
  • The room temperature should preferably be above 30 degrees C for maximum efficiency.

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Always return all tools clean please. Place on a flat surface where there is sufficient space for heat dissipation. Leave the louvres open while the unit in use to prevent damage from over heating wait for 3 minutesafterswitching off to switch on a dehumidifier again. Clean the water receptacles & air filters regularly to prevent the growth of bacteria. Avoid removing the water receptacle within 10 minutes of switching off the dehumidifier to prevent liquid from dripping into the device. Empty water tank every 6 - 8 hrs. The machine automatically switches off if the water tank is full. (some machine have an pipe with an automatic drain pump - be sure to place such pipe into a container or your floor will be soaked) machine only effective in a closed off areaall windows and doors must be sealed. All objects that contains water must be removed from the area. Make sure that the machine is always level. Always keep the machine upright. Empty the water recovery tank when it is half full for best results. The room temperature should preferably be above 25 degrees c for maximum efficiency. Do not leave machine unattended, machine can overflow causing water damage. Never use thin leads. Do not join more than one 5 mm x 20m three core lead on any single power tool. Extra charges raised if tool burns out because of incorrect use. Do not run machine over the required settings (eg full blast) as it can ice up.
- If we deliver you must phone for collection please - we do not automatically collect.
- Machines are not insured, if not returned you will need to pay for the full replacement.
- Make sure you know how to use the tools. Ask if you need help, our friendly staff will assist. Also, make sure of safety requirements.
- Hires are charged for time out โ€“ not time used. Minimum 1 day (1 day = 24 hrs)
- Scaffold is charged weekly, all other tools daily.
- Tools must be returned Clean please. e.g., if you paint onto a ladder, we charge for cleaning.
- Negligent damages get charged separately.
- Consumables not used, may be returned for refund.
- Only use heavy-duty extension leads, not thin household leads.
- If you pay by cash we can refund in cash, if you pay by card we refund onto the card. (we can't refund onto debit cards) - Card refunds can take up to 10 days.
- Weekend hire starts after 2 pm Friday until 9 am Monday = 1day charge. ( Sundays are free) If you are late on Monday it is for 2 days.
- If you keep machines for a long time we can give you a better rate, discuss with your hire controller in store.

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Festive season trading hours

  • All Branches Close on 18 Dec 5pm for new Hires
  • Only open on 19 for outstanding returns
  • Equipment not returned on time will be billed until we open again on 6th.

Southfield and Paarden Eiland Branches
Closed from 20 Dec and will reopen on 6 January 2025

Brackenfell Branch

Open with full service incl. deliveries on:

27, 28, 30 Dec and 2, 3 and 4Jan from 8am – 11am

Thanks to all our regular clients for your support in 2024 !
Have a wonderful festive season and best wishes for 2025.