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Compactor Round/Trench
Compactor Round/Trench
  Trench Compactor  Recommendations
Always return all tools clean please. Check oil every 2 hours. Use unleaded petrol only. (green fuel) when starting - advance the pull start to compression stroke before pulling to start or you will break the pull start. To avoid engine flooding always close petrol tap when switching engine off. Use ear plugs. Used for preparing sand areas for paving or throwing a concrete slab. Thickness of layers should ideally not be more than 150 mm. The soil should be slightly moist throughout the layer. Keep feet clear from plate while operating. Do not over compact or run the machine on concrete surfaces. Not to use on tar. Don’t use when oil level is low do not operate the equipment with known leaks in the engine's fuel system. Do not alter or adjust any part of the equipment or its engine. Pull start not returned R500. 00. Additional charge will be added to the invoice belt travel not to exceed 20 mm. Check v-belt. Check pull start. Check petrol cap. Check on and off switch. Check eccentric. Check engine speed.
- If we deliver you must phone for collection please - we do not automatically collect.
- Machines are not insured, if not returned you will need to pay for the full replacement.
- Make sure you know how to use the tools. Ask if you need help, our friendly staff will assist. Also, make sure of safety requirements.
- Hires are charged for time out – not time used. Minimum 1 day (1 day = 24 hrs)
- Scaffold is charged weekly, all other tools daily.
- Tools must be returned Clean please. e.g., if you paint onto a ladder, we charge for cleaning.
- Negligent damages get charged separately.
- Consumables not used, may be returned for refund.
- Only use heavy-duty extension leads, not thin household leads.
- If you pay by cash we can refund in cash, if you pay by card we refund onto the card. (we can't refund onto debit cards) - Card refunds can take up to 10 days.
- Weekend hire starts after 2 pm Friday until 9 am Monday = 1day charge. ( Sundays are free) If you are late on Monday it is for 2 days.
- If you keep machines for a long time we can give you a better rate, discuss with your hire controller in store.
- Machines are not insured, if not returned you will need to pay for the full replacement.
- Make sure you know how to use the tools. Ask if you need help, our friendly staff will assist. Also, make sure of safety requirements.
- Hires are charged for time out – not time used. Minimum 1 day (1 day = 24 hrs)
- Scaffold is charged weekly, all other tools daily.
- Tools must be returned Clean please. e.g., if you paint onto a ladder, we charge for cleaning.
- Negligent damages get charged separately.
- Consumables not used, may be returned for refund.
- Only use heavy-duty extension leads, not thin household leads.
- If you pay by cash we can refund in cash, if you pay by card we refund onto the card. (we can't refund onto debit cards) - Card refunds can take up to 10 days.
- Weekend hire starts after 2 pm Friday until 9 am Monday = 1day charge. ( Sundays are free) If you are late on Monday it is for 2 days.
- If you keep machines for a long time we can give you a better rate, discuss with your hire controller in store.
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