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Weed Eater / Brush Cutter Steel Blade

Weed Eater / Brush Cutter Steel Blade

  • Particularly powerful clearing saw for working in challenging areas of tough grass and scrub.
  • Great for sawing jobs.
  • 4-point anti-vibration system and multi-function handle
Always return all tools clean please. Do not use 95 or 97petrol do not put any petrol in this machine you may only use the special mix petrol that we supply you with. This machine uses synthetic 2 stroke petrol only don't use anything else. Do not use any other fuel. If you use anything else additional wear or damage fees will be charged. Use ear plugs. Never attempt to touch or adjust the cutting attachment while engine is still running. Do not move the safety guard out of the way of the blade. Always make sure that no one is around the blade kids playing ext. Unlike the weedeater that performs better on high revs the bruschcutter needs to do one full cut then release the trigger so the revs can drop and then just continue doing the same. Make sure you wear protective gear. Always wear googles or full face shield when using this machine. Keep the machine away from your ankles as the blade is vey sharp. Only use the fuel we supply. Check for leaks and check the handle. Check forcracks in wand and if bottle cap is present before and after hire. Check pumping action andif thepump works. Check nozzles for wear and tear orif it is present and not blocked. Rinse with water after use. Use only for insecticide and not other materials eg paint, roofing materials.
- If we deliver you must phone for collection please - we do not automatically collect.
- Machines are not insured, if not returned you will need to pay for the full replacement.
- Make sure you know how to use the tools. Ask if you need help, our friendly staff will assist. Also, make sure of safety requirements.
- Hires are charged for time out โ€“ not time used. Minimum 1 day (1 day = 24 hrs)
- Scaffold is charged weekly, all other tools daily.
- Tools must be returned Clean please. e.g., if you paint onto a ladder, we charge for cleaning.
- Negligent damages get charged separately.
- Consumables not used, may be returned for refund.
- Only use heavy-duty extension leads, not thin household leads.
- If you pay by cash we can refund in cash, if you pay by card we refund onto the card. (we can't refund onto debit cards) - Card refunds can take up to 10 days.
- Weekend hire starts after 2 pm Friday until 9 am Monday = 1day charge. ( Sundays are free) If you are late on Monday it is for 2 days.
- If you keep machines for a long time we can give you a better rate, discuss with your hire controller in store.
Displacement/capacity 44,3 cmยณ
Power output 2,1/2,9 kW/bhp
Weight 8 kg
Total length 176 cm
Tank volume 0,66 liter
Cutting tool Auto Cut

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Festive season trading hours

  • All Branches Close on 18 Dec 5pm for new Hires
  • Only open on 19 for outstanding returns
  • Equipment not returned on time will be billed until we open again on 6th.

Southfield and Paarden Eiland Branches
Closed from 20 Dec and will reopen on 6 January 2025

Brackenfell Branch

Open with full service incl. deliveries on:

27, 28, 30 Dec and 2, 3 and 4Jan from 8am – 11am

Thanks to all our regular clients for your support in 2024 !
Have a wonderful festive season and best wishes for 2025.